Cash for Gold, Cash for Jewellery

Where to Sell Your Gold Today For the Best Price?

Is there some old jewellery lying in the closet which you are either tired of wearing or it has gone out of fashion and looks odd? What are you waiting for then? Instead of stacking up your almirah with old pieces, sell your old gold for cash and invest this money in something more lucrative.

What Is the Best Way to Sell Gold?

While you may find rightful gold buyers in the market who will give you a genuine price for the gold you have, doing extensive research before entering into any deal will help you in fetching the best rate.

Some of the Points worth Considering Are:

  • The Current Value of Gold: Gold is priced according to its weight and thus you must know the exact weight of the gold you have before you enter into any transaction. An important point worth noting is that the pawnbroker or the jeweller will deduct melting charge, wastage etc while arriving at the final value of the jewellery, so to avoid this, make sure you present the bill or invoice while selling gold because there will not be any conflict on the purity of the ornaments as it will be specified in the bill. There won’t be any question of denial and you will get a fair price.
  • Check the Purity of Gold: Having a hallmark sign on the ornament is a clear indicator of its purity and authenticity which no dealer can outweigh. If there is no such mark, the buyers can manipulate you and this might lead to a loss-making deal.
  • Hop Around: There is no harm in talking to different buyers in the market and cross-checking the price they quote. Until and unless you are satisfied, don’t settle for anyone who comes around.
  • The Final Step: It is advisable to sell gold at the shop from where you had brought it because there won’t be any conflict of interest regarding purity. You will be paid for metal according to the weight at which you had brought the ornament.
Sell Your Jewellery

Which Is the Best Place to Sell Gold?

Though you should sell gold at the same place from where you had brought it that might be difficult at times if you relocate to a different place. Hence, the best places to sell gold are:

  • Reputed Online Gold Buyers: Online stores have few running costs and the benefit of this can be passed on to the seller. While searching for the best online buyer, read the reviews about the company, its buying process and the mode of making payment. Once you are convinced about the genuineness, go ahead and sell gold for cash.
  • Local Jewellery Stores: If you are looking for convenience and immediate cash, visit the local jewellery store, pawnbroker, pawnshop and get the best quote for the jewellery you have.

Talk to our experienced salesmen before entering into any deal and we will help you in getting the best price for the gold ornaments you wish to sell.